Blogger’s Guide to Ski Resort Jobs

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Ski Resort Jobs Abroad

From management to ski bums via instructors and chalet hosts, ski season workers describe their experiences working in ski resorts around the world.

Working a Ski Season – Fears vs Reality
From uncontrollable excitement to “what the hell are we thinking” moments, Poi runs the gamut of emotions before he and wife Kirsty start their first ski season.

Quickies in Ski Gondolas And Partying Till 6am (Then Serving Breakfast at 6.45): Confessions of a 21st Century Chalet Girl
A UK tabloid takes the tabloid angle when talking to Harriet, 23, who spent six months in Val d’Isère. Sarah Ferguson was a chalet girl, don’t you know?

Travel Jobs Around the World: Ski Chalet Host
Ana Powell writes on how to get a job as a ski chalet host, including where the jobs can be found and the qualifications needed.


Spoilt in Japan
The snow just keeps on coming for Peter Marsh, a BASI qualified ski teacher working in Japan.

Guide to Landing Your Dream Seasonnaire Job
Though there are a significant number of companies offering them, seasonnaire jobs can vary dramatically by company and country, making it tricky to choose which one to work for. Anny holds our hand and explains further.

Getting Injured During a Ski Season
Having been stretchered off the mountain the last time he was in a ski resort, Poi went in to his rep job with only two days skiing experience. This time it took three days before he hurt his knee.

A Winter Ski Season as a Waiter in St. Johann-in-Tirol, Austria
Matt commutes to work – a slopeside lodge and restaurant – in a gondola.

Guide to Working in France
All you need to know about working in France from the slant of working as a ski instructor.

Girls Who Ski | Why Are There So Few Top Female Ski Instructors?
Just 15 per cent of the top British ski instructors are women. So why is there such a discrepancy between men and women when it comes to making it to the top? Nina Zietman investigates.

Becoming a Ski Instructor – What’s it Really Like?
Snow.Guide Ski Editor, Rob Stewart, speaks to Marc Walton about choosing to teach in France, getting qualified and what it’s like to be a ski instructor.

Deer Valley Resort
Olive provides some information on Utah’s Deer Valley Ski Resort.

Job Positions at Deer Valley
Olive shares her insight into the main positions held by J-1 students working in the Deer Valley Ski Resort.

Deer Valley Housing
Olive says you are probably going to stay in their housing if you work for Utah’s Deer Valley Ski Resort, so let’s check them out.

Everything You Need to Know About Doing a Season on the French Alps
Based on her experience working at Alps d’Huez, where her minimal experience speaking French got her a job with a UK based company, Canadian backpacker Alison Karlene provides a quick how to guide to working a season.

Ten Commandments for Seasonnaires
Things to keep in mind when caught up in the ski season bubble.

Ski Season Assessment Day – What to Expect?
You’ve applied to be a ski rep, chalet host, driver or one of a range of other ski season jobs and have been invited to an assessment day to show your potential employer what you’re made of. Poi and Kirsty, who have been through the whole recruitment process, share what happens next.

60 Seconds with Basecamp’s Tom Allport
Resort manager and course advisor answers questions about his life in Val D’Isere.

Gap Year Ski Instructor Interview: James Bailey
James Bailey is a 19 year old British ski instructor working in the resort of Sierra at Tahoe, California.

Living, Working and Playing in Banff National Park (Or Any Other Canadian Mountain Town)
Jonesy presents a humourous picture of what she, her friends, family, and the locals think she does in Banff.

Crans Montana
A post from a Swiss resort from the blog of a serial seasonaire.

Chalet Hosting in the French Alps
Louise ‘chucka choccy mousse’ Fitzgerald worked in La Tania for Ski Amis.

Chinese Ski Season!
Pete Tupper landed a job taking Chinese kids on ‘winter camps’ from Beijing to the different resorts near the city. He also found temporary work at an outdoor sports goods trade show held in the Olympic village.

Reasons You Should Work in a Ski Resort
Some reasons to hit the slopes this winter and get paid for it.

Earning Abroad: Ski Guiding in Canada
Anders Møller Vestergård work history has included dive instructor and professional blogger’s bodyguard, but here he answers questions on running a high end skiing tour in Canada.

Image courtesy Marc Lagneau




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