Guest Writing
We always welcome different voices onto our websites. Most of our guest writing opportunities revolve around our magazine/blog section, The Working Traveller, where along with first hand articles about working abroad we have a number of specific columns that can only thrive with your help.
We do not offer payment but if you have your own blog or website we will be happy to link to it from your bio.
Writers and agencies looking to place links to third party organisations within the text of a guest post should contact Deirdre Higgins at to discuss our advertising options.
General Articles About Working Abroad
If you have worked abroad we would like to hear about it, whether it’s the daily routine of a ski bum or living the high life serving drinks on a superyacht. We are most keen to read first hand experiences – good or bad – of the types of work we cover on our sites. A good article should include details such as who you worked for, wages, accommodation, the price of a beer etc, but don’t get too lost in facts and figures.
For more information please see our guidelines for guest posts.
We have a number of interview features on The Working Traveller looking at long term travel and living abroad. Interviews are typically conducted by email.
If you are about to head off on an extended bout of travelling we would like to hear about it. Examples include Amy & Andrew, Ed Rex and Brendon Vince.
We ask those working abroad about their job. These interviews are posted to the Jobs Abroad Bulletin and have included Caitlyn O’Dowd, Tour Guide, James Clark, Digital Nomad, Diana Edelman, PR and Social Media for Save Elephant Foundation, in Thailand, and Jonny Blair, Teaching English in Hong Kong and Other Jobs Abroad.
Why I Live in…
Whether it is long or short term we look at the life of expats living abroad. Past interview subjects have included Ali Garland/Freiburg, Jack Scott/Bodrum and Peter Gilbert/Sapa.
Photo Features
Submitting a photo is a quick way to be featured in The Working Traveller. It doesn’t even have to be a good one.
My Bad Travel Photo
Taken a shocker? Then send it to us with a description of a 100 words or so. Photos should be 900 pixels width. Some of our own horrors include The Sunset Snapping Monk, Camels, Angkor Wat and Balinese Dancers.
If you are interested in writing for us or answering some questions for an interview feature please contact Shane Donovan at
* Please note if you click on a link to a guest post or interview example and encounter a page not found the article has most likely been updated, rescheduled and is unavailable until republication later in the month.