Post Vacancies: 2/ Submit Your Advertisement

JAB for Employers | FAQ | Premium Advertising

Please complete the form below and we will add your recruitment advertising to our boards. Please note we add new jobs manually and in batches so it may take a few days before your advertising appears on our boards.

Advertisers that have purchased our 12 x one month Featured Job option can request that we automatically repost your vacancies each month, or post different adverts at the time of your choosing. Please give us your instructions via the checkboxes at the top of the form below.

(IMPORTANT NOTE:  We now require advertisers offering English teaching jobs in China or nursing or care work positions in the UK to take our premium Featured Job option.)

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Maximum file size: 500kb.



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Posting Guidelines

* For administration purposes, the expiry date for jobs may be rounded up or down to the 1st or 15th of the month.

* The maximum advertising period is one year.

* Please do not continuously post the same vacancy to us. Advertisers consistently posting the same or similar advertisements month after month in an attempt to be displayed higher on our boards may be banned. As a rule of thumb, we recommend reposting the same advert no more than once every three months. If you wish to post more often please take our Featured Job option.

* There is a limit of 300 words per ad (though we are happy to be flexible if a number of different positions are being advertised in the same post).

* Where employers are offering wages, there are no limits to the number of different jobs an employer may advertise. We are willing to be lenient with gap year companies posting multiple programmes but if we feel you are posting too many we may request that you purchase some form of paid advertising from us.

* Though we are happy to correct any spelling mistakes we spot when adding your advertisement, we may not be able or willing to correct them once they have been posted to our boards. We advise advertisers to check their own copy before posting their requirements to us.

* Where contact details are not given in the text of a post sent to us we may refuse to place your advertisement or will use your given email address. Amendments will incur a US$5 fee.

* Any advertisments that are so poorly written or punctuated that they add an excessive amount of time to the editing process will be refused.

* Please limit the use of BLOCK CAPS. We use capitals at strategic points to make reading JAB easier and reserve the right to change upper case characters to lower case, or to reject advertisements, at our discretion.

* Advertisements must be in English.

* We are no longer accepting adverts offering volunteer work with orphans for less than three months.

* Our free option is no longer available for English teaching jobs in China or nursing or care work positions in the UK.

* To cancel an advertisment, please send us the URL (the relevant page on the Jobs Abroad Bulletin) of your vacancy.

* We reserve the right to refuse adverts for any reason at our discretion.