3 Places To Find Ski Resort Jobs In The USA

Though the sun is high in the summer sky snowheads will be counting down the days until the first snows touch the mountain tops in the Alps. But working travellers needn’t confide their job search to Europe. North American ski resorts will also begin welcoming holidaymakers in November and will have need of a temporary intake of workers from then until the end of the ski season in early April to serve beers, cook breakfasts, clean rooms, hire out skis and staff ski lifts.

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Paid Workaways In Japanese Ski Resorts

JAPAN > Winter enthusiasts and adventure seekers can combine the thrill of the ski slopes with the opportunity to work a season in Japan. Workaway is increasingly used by Japanese winter tourism businesses to attract potential staff to the snow capped mountains and breathtaking landscapes of the Far East.

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Work Exchange Volunteer Projects for Skiers

Prices can rise as high as a ski lift once the tourist hordes ascend onto small mountain villages for the winter, but if you are prepared to roll up your sleeves you can ski or snowboard for a lot cheaper by hooking up with these work exchange hosts.

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